You have got a glorious space. Room for the refrigerator of your dreams, a coffee bar, butler’s pantry, and any cooking set up you wish. But with all that space comes the necessity to layout the space efficiently. You don’t want key work spaces too far from one another and you don’t want to have anything impeding the flow of traffic.
An island is often ideal for a larger kitchen. Its versatility allows for its use as a place for homework and a snack. A place to layout hors d'oeuvres, and a place to sit and have a coffee and a chat. But too big of an island can become a behemoth! Not only will too big of an island almost certainly guarantee you will need a seam in your stone top but it impedes walkways so why not split it into 2 islands?

As we can see in this kitchen with 2 islands each island has a different purpose. The first island is a place to sit and have a snack and can also act as a serving space while entertaining. The storage space below is a covert dry bar. The second island has a prep sink conveniently located by the refrigerator and is great extra prep space across from the range. The space below provides additional cabinet storage.

Also take into account flow of traffic in the kitchen. By separating the island into two there is a direct traffic path from the refrigerator to the main sink. There is no need to go around one large island and keeps you out of the way of others working in the kitchen. It allows for comfortable use by multiple cooks in the kitchen.
Sometimes thinking about a space a little differently with both function and aesthetics in mind can create a beautiful new space ideal for your lifestyle. At Emerald Design we would love to work with you to get the most out of your space. Contact us today!